BDI compensation rates 

Table of compensation rates for 2025

Bee Diseases Insurance Ltd (BDI) has upgraded its cover from this year (2025). It will pay insured beekeepers ‘new for old’ compensation to replace equipment destroyed by a bee inspector as a result of their colony or colonies being infected by a notifiable disease, currently European and American foulbrood. Previously the condition of the equipment determined the level of compensation.

Please note, ONLY equipment listed below will be compensated for. Most, if not all, other equipment will not need to be destroyed.

Brood frame, British standard £ 3.28

Brood frame, all other types         £ 4.56

Top bar hive frame £ 1.72

Warré hive frame £ 1.11

Super/shallow frame, British Standard £ 2.75

Super/shallow frame, all other types £ 3.54

Queen excluder, slotted steel         £ 7.12

Queen excluder, wire       £19.70 

Queen excluder, plastic                         £ 5.56

Quilt, glass/polycarbonate               £21.03

Open mesh floor                                        £43.51

Honey, extractable and saleable       £ 4.00 per lb (subject to a maximum of 40lb per hive averaged out over all of the colonies being claimed for in a single apiary)

Both plastic (including 'Flow Hive' frames) and wooden frames are covered.  Where no specific rate is quoted above for non-standard hive components the rate will be by agreement with the BDI Claims Manager.

Subject to reduction for previous claims history:

o   If claims have been made in both the previous two years compensation will be reduced by 25%. 

o   If claims have been made in all the previous three years compensation will be reduced by 50%. 

o   If claims have been made in all the previous four years compensation will be reduced by 75%.


Click here for information on how to make a claim