BDI Premiums and Cover
Bee Diseases Insurance Ltd (BDI) provides insurance coverage specifically for beekeepers in England and Wales. The coverage offered by BDI compensates beekeepers who have had their equipment destroyed by a Bee Inspector as a result of being infected by a notifiable disease, currently European foulbrood (EFB) and American foulbrood (AFB).
In addition to disease coverage, BDI also has a contingency fund to compensate for equipment destroyed as a result of infestation by a notifiable pest, currently Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida) and Tropilaelaps.
It is important to note that only equipment destroyed is covered by this insurance, subject to the restrictions below. The replacement of bees is not covered.
BDI operates two separate insurance schemes for beekeepers: Scheme A and Scheme B.
Scheme A is intended for beekeepers who:
Are members of a beekeeping association which is a shareholder of BDI, and
Own, or intend to own, up to 39 colonies, and
Keep their colonies in England or Wales.
Note: All colonies on a communal site must be covered by BDI for the insurance to be valid.
Scheme A insurance can only be purchased via a BDI member beekeeping association, and provides cover as defined below:
Insurance premiums are based on the number of colonies held and are 'banded' to minimise the risk of under-insurance.
The 2025 annual insurance premiums are as follows:
Up to 3 colonies: included in the basic £2.00 subscription.
Additional cover is available by paying an additional BDI premium for:
Up to 5 colonies: £1.20
Up to 10 colonies: £4.70
Up to 15 colonies: £7.75
Up to 20 colonies: £9.50
Up to 25 colonies: £11.10
Up to 30 colonies: £13.60
Up to 35 colonies: £16.10
Up to 39 colonies: £18.10
See more information on premium calculation on the Join BDI page
Following a claim, the number of colonies insured is reduced to reflect the number of colonies destroyed. As a consequence of this you may find that for the remaining part
of the season you are under insured, unless an additional premium is paid for any replacement colonies.
Cover can be increased during the year if needed by paying an additional 'top up' premium to move into the appropriate band of insurance, however this is subject to the '40 day rule' – see below.
The maximum compensation payable to an individual insured is £3,000 in any one year of insurance.
Click here to download the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) for Scheme A
Scheme B is intended for beekeepers who:
- Own, or intend to own, 40 or more colonies, and
- Keep their colonies in England or Wales.
Scheme B insurance can only be purchased directly from BDI – to request an application form please email the BDI Treasurer:
Insurance premiums are charged per colony insured (with a minimum of 40 colonies) – the 2024 insurance premiums are as follows:
£1.80 per colony
Cover can be increased during the year if needed by purchasing cover for additional colonies at the rate above, however this is subject to the '40 day rule' – see below*.
No Claims Discount:
After one full season’s membership without disease or a claim - 15% no claims discount
After two successive seasons disease and claim-free - 30% no claims discount
After three successive seasons without disease or a claim - 55% no discount
Following a claim, the No Claim Discount is cancelled, and the premium is payable in full for the next renewal. Also, following a claim the number of colonies insured is reduced to reflect the number of colonies destroyed. As a consequence of this you may find that for the remaining part of the season you are under insured, unless an additional premium is paid for any replacement colonies.
The maximum compensation payable to an individual insured is:
£3,500 if up to 50 colonies are insured;
£5,000 if 51 or more colonies are insured.
Click here to download the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) for Scheme B
Scheme A and Scheme B also provide additional compensation for the statutory destruction of colonies, hives and equipment on account of either Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida) or Tropilaelaps infestations, should these become notifiable pests in England and Wales.
A maximum amount of £50,000 per annum will be available to cover pests claims (for Small Hive Beetle [Aethina tumida] or Tropilaelaps infestations). Each eligible claim will be covered to a maximum of £150 per hive. This amount will be adjusted to take into account the condition of equipment (As New, Good or Poor, as certified by the Bee Inspector) providing the beekeeper is not otherwise insured or entitled to obtain compensation elsewhere. The amount will be calculated pro rata between all such claims received by BDI in any year so, if they collectively exceed £50,000, each claim will be proportionately reduced. Settlement will be made after all claims for that year are processed. Should these pests become endemic and statutory control abandoned, then BDI compensation cover will cease.
*Premiums are due on 1 January every year and are paid in respect of the calendar year, 1 January to 31 December, irrespective of the date on which they are actually paid. However, where the payment is made after 31 March cover will not commence until 40 days have elapsed from the payment being made. This is known as the 40-day rule.
Compensation rates for 2025
BDI has upgraded its cover from this year (2025). It will pay insured beekeepers ‘new for old’ compensation to replace equipment destroyed by a bee inspector as a result of their colony or colonies being infected by a notifiable disease, currently European and American foulbrood. Previously the condition of the equipment determined the level of compensation.
Please note, ONLY equipment listed below will be compensated for. Most, if not all, other equipment will not need to be destroyed.
Brood frame, British standard £ 3.28
Brood frame, all other types £ 4.56
Top bar hive frame £ 1.72
Warré hive frame £ 1.11
Super/shallow frame, British Standard £ 2.75
Super/shallow frame, all other types £ 3.54
Queen excluder, slotted steel £ 7.12
Queen excluder, wire £19.70
Queen excluder, plastic £ 5.56
Quilt, glass/polycarbonate £21.03
Open mesh floor £43.51
Honey, extractable and saleable £ 4.00 per lb (subject to a maximum of 40lb per hive averaged out over all of the colonies being claimed for in a single apiary)
Both plastic (including 'Flow Hive' frames) and wooden frames are covered. Where no specific rate is quoted above for non-standard hive components the rate will be by agreement with the BDI Claims Manager.
Subject to reduction for previous claims history:
o If claims have been made in both the previous two years compensation will be reduced by 25%.
o If claims have been made in all the previous three years compensation will be reduced by 50%.
o If claims have been made in all the previous four years compensation will be reduced by 75%.